In today’s post, we’re going to be discussing hosting plans, I will also tell you what made me choose web hosting plus over all the other plans.
What is web hosting?
To put it simply, web hosting is renting your very own space or house on the internet. In order to build a website in any shape or form, you must have a space to keep all of the necessary files such as HTML, CSS, and images. Without any of this, a website wouldn’t exist.
Why do I need web hosting?
This question can only be answered by yourself. If you’re an individual or organization looking to build your own eCommerce platform, blog, or online portfolio then you will definitely need some sort of web hosting.
I say ‘some sort’ as there are many kinds of web hosting plans and packages to go for… picking the right one from a trustworthy source is a tough call. That is until now.
What are the different types of web hosting?
There are a few different types of web hosting which I will list below.
- Shared web hosting
- Windows plesk hosting
- Web hosting plus
- WordPress hosting
- VPS hosting
- Dedicated Server hosting
- Cloud hosting Is just another name for VPS – all hosting comes from a data centre of some form and the term is used as a marketing strategy.
The list above gives a general idea of all the different types of hosting you can get your hands on. They are all unique and provide something a little different.
So, why did I choose Web Hosting Plus?
When choosing my hosting plan for my blogs, and online portfolio, I tried a few different options.
I tried, cPanel (shared web hosting) and WordPress hosting. Both of these plans were great, however, as I got deeper into my list of things I am going to need for my blogs and portfolios I noticed that they were missing something, whether that be; Email or SSL Certificates, etc.
It was at this point, I stumbled across Web Hosting Plus offered by, for just $21.99/mo it was a no-brainer.
Web Hosting Plus is essentially Web Hosting with the power of a VPS. This was perfect for me as it is simple to maintain, it comes with free SSL certificates on all websites hosted on it, 24/7 phone support, and I can create as many email addresses as I want! Better yet, it is super fast…

I would really recommend Web Hosting Plus to anyone who wants a fast website with all the gimmicks on a budget.