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How to detonate C4 in MW2 (Modern Warfare 2)

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In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, pairing your weapons with lethal and tactical equipment can significantly enhance your ability to inflict damage on enemies, while also allowing you to increase your pace of play. By adding C4 explosives to your loadout, you can capitalize on additional kill opportunities, either by using them as a trap or as a frag grenade. However, merely carrying these weapons isn’t enough; timely detonation is crucial for success. In the following discussion, we’ll explore the proper techniques for detonating your explosives effectively.

How to use/blow up C4 in MW2

In MW2, detonating a C4 requires planting it by tossing it onto a strategic location where your opponents are likely to pass. Once the C4 is planted, all that’s left is to wait for the right moment and precisely time the detonation when an enemy is within its blast radius to eliminate them.

How to use C4 using a controller on PS5 and Xbox

If you’re playing MW2, detonating a C4 with your PS4/PS5 DualShock or DualSense controllers, or an Xbox controller is a breeze. Follow these straightforward steps:

  • Press R1 (on PS4/PS5) or RT (on Xbox) on your controller to throw your C4. Make sure to look in the direction where you want to throw it.
  • Press R1 or RT again to blow up the C4 explosive.
    You can also double-tap the Square button on your PS4/PS5 controller or the X button on your Xbox controller to blow up your C4.

How to use C4 on PC

If you’re playing MW2 on a PC or console with a keyboard, you can also detonate your C4s very easily. Just follow the step-by-step guide below to start racking up your C4 kills:

  1. Press E on your keyboard to throw your C4.
  2. Press F on your keyboard when you are ready to detonate it.


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I have a background in website development and graphic design. My interests include Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, tech, gaming, and food!

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I'm a developer, designer, food lover, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.

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