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8 Effective ways you can help your Fitbit last longer

8 Effective ways you can help your Fitbit last longer
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Fitbit devices have revolutionized the way we track our physical activity, offering us a handy tool to monitor our daily steps, heart rate, sleep patterns, and much more. However, like any electronic device, a Fitbit’s longevity depends on how well we take care of it. In this article, we’ll walk you through several practical tips to make your Fitbit last longer.

1. Battery Maintenance

Your Fitbit’s battery is a critical component that requires careful handling. Like other devices with Lithium-ion batteries, the battery life of your Fitbit will gradually decrease due to natural wear and tear. However, there are some strategies you can employ to slow down this process.

Be Mindful of Charging Habits

Avoid charging your Fitbit overnight. Although many modern electronic devices have systems to prevent overcharging, it’s safer to disconnect the device once it’s fully charged. Conversely, don’t let your device’s battery fully drain for extended periods. If it’s left with an empty battery for too long, it may struggle to hold a charge when you attempt to recharge it.

Battery Replacement

Don’t fret if your Fitbit’s battery has worn out. Fitbit offers battery replacements for a fee, ensuring that your device can continue to function efficiently.

2. Keep Your Fitbit Updated

Keeping the firmware of your Fitbit updated is crucial for its optimal performance. Fitbit routinely releases updates to fix bugs, improve battery performance, and address syncing issues.

How to Update

Updates are released in stages. If an update is available, you can find it in your Fitbit app by tapping Today > your profile picture > device image, and then click on the Update button. During the update, keep your Fitbit close to your phone to ensure a smooth process.

Note: Firmware updates may take up to an hour or more, depending on when you last updated your device.

3. Use with Caution During High-Impact Activities

Despite being designed for active lifestyles, Fitbits are not indestructible. Devices like the Fitbit Charge 5 and Luxe feature color OLED panels that can scratch or crack if mishandled. While these blemishes won’t directly affect your device’s performance, they can decrease its aesthetic appeal and potentially lower its resale value.

4. Avoid Exposure to Extreme Weather Conditions

Extreme cold or heat can potentially damage your Fitbit. While Fitbits are more durable than average watches, they are not designed to withstand all weather conditions. Avoid wearing your device in saunas, ice baths, or hot showers, and instead store it in a safe place until the weather conditions improve.

5. Choosing the Right Fitbit Band

Your Fitbit device consists of a main body and interchangeable bands. Not taking care of the band can lead to its failure and potentially damage the device’s display.

Opt for Official Bands

Always choose bands made by Fitbit. These are tested for durability and safety. However, bear in mind that bands made of leather, steel, or woven materials are not intended for strenuous sports. These bands are recommended for everyday use and may not fare well in extreme weather conditions.

Be Wary of Third-Party Bands

While there are many third-party bands available, not all may fit your device properly. They may also contain materials that could irritate your skin if you have allergies or sensitivities.

6. Protect Your Fitbit from Liquids

While Fitbits are designed to be water-resistant up to 50 meters, it’s important to understand that this rating can decrease over time due to natural wear and tear. Besides, Fitbits aren’t tested with all possible liquids you might encounter in your daily life.

Beware of Corrosive Liquids

Be cautious when exposing your Fitbit to liquids like shampoo, dishwashing liquid, and others. If your device is submerged in seawater or any other corrosive liquid, rinse it with fresh water and dry it off immediately.

Use the Water Lock Feature

If your Fitbit model supports it, enable the water lock feature. This feature can help protect your device from accidental inputs when you’re swimming or in the shower.

7. Regular Cleaning is Essential

Regular cleaning can extend the lifespan of your Fitbit. When you use your device outdoors, dust and grime can accumulate in the corners of the display and strap. You can use a soft-bristled toothbrush to remove large debris and a microfiber cloth with a cleaning solution to wipe down your device.

Tip: To clean the band, use fresh water and soap-free cleansers. Avoid using anything metal to clean your device as this can scratch the display and increase the risk of corrosion.

8. An Ounce of Prevention

By following these simple yet effective tips, you can ensure your Fitbit lasts longer and stays in top condition. Remember, while Fitbits are excellent fitness trackers for many people, they might not be the best option for everyone depending on their lifestyle. If you require a more durable device, you may want to consider other brands like Garmin.


Making your Fitbit last longer is not a daunting task. With a bit of care and regular maintenance, you can extend its lifespan and continue to reap its benefits for years to come. After all, a Fitbit is more than just a fitness tracker—it’s an investment in your health and well-being.


Picture of Kyle
I have a background in website development and graphic design. My interests include Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, tech, gaming, and food!

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I'm a developer, designer, food lover, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.

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